Can Boxing Build Muscle?

Male boxer leaning on ring rope

Male boxer leaning on ring rope

Welcome back Warriors! As I’m learning more about boxing, I asked myself, is boxing an activity that can build muscle?

Boxing can be a great way to relieve stress, boost your confidence in yourself, and it can be very addicting when you jump in.

But What Else can it Do?

Can Boxing Help get You in the Best Shape of Your Life?

Boxing is a great way to help you build muscle without having to lift weights in a weight room. Boxing exercises combine resistance training and endurance training together, almost like lifting heavy weights and doing cardio at the same time. I can personally speak from experience on this, as I have taken some boxing classes at my local boxing gym nearby.

Now, I’m not a boxing expert who’s been everywhere and seen everything. I am a beginner on a fitness journey to get in the best shape of my life, with a burning passion for the sport and I am learning a lot from it.

In my experience boxing, I had to do many kinds of muscle building exercises where you use your body weight for resistance such as:

and more that will make you sweat up a storm. (I kid you not, I was melting like a popsicle at the end of my training!)

Now, if you’re going to utilize boxing to help build muscle, there’s a few more key points you need to remember. So keep reading to find out more!

What is Your Purpose for Building Muscle?

One question you want to ask yourself is the reason why you want to build muscle with boxing. Do you fall into the group of people who are seriously training to go into a boxing career? Or are you one of those people who just wants to add boxing to your weekly fitness routine so you can look and feel good in your swimsuit?

Is Boxing Right for You?

Another question you want to ask yourself is if you feel that getting into boxing is a good decision. Remember, boxing isn’t for everybody, but this post speaks to those of you who are eager to train as a boxer. In my personal experience with boxing training, it was really fun, but it is also not for the faint of heart. 

What Exercises can You do to Build Muscle from Boxing?

According to Does Boxing Training Build Muscle Mass? by Be Happy Boxing, while training with weights is all well and good, it might be better to do exercises involving your own body weight. Said exercises include:

  • Push-ups
  • Sit-ups
  • Abdominal crunches
  • Pull-ups
  • Planks
  • Burpees
  • Lunges

As I mentioned earlier, I had to do these exercises throughout my entire training sessions. They are extremely effective if you are trying to not only build muscle, but also build strength. 

    Which Muscles are Being Targeted?

      Basically, boxing works your entire body. Arms, shoulders, abs, legs, everything. It is total body and cardio combined, focusing on muscular strength and muscular endurance at the same time.

      You’re moving at a high rate of speed so you can practice landing punches onto your target and avoid getting punched.

      Your legs are being engaged by practicing footwork, staying light on your feet so you can maneuver more efficiently.   

      Especially your arms and shoulders with punching, and most importantly, you’re building strength in your core.

      In the words of Smart MMA, your legs are also being worked (mostly your calves) in order to work your hips and your waist, which will in turn work your shoulders and your arms, forming a proper boxing stance.

        Can Building Muscle Help or Hurt You as a Boxer?

          The Boxing Science blog from the UK says that adding more muscle mass as a boxer will decrease your speed, which is essential for boxing, as boxers need speed so they can avoid getting punched by their opponent and so they can strike their opponent quicker than their opponent strikes them.

          However, speed and muscle mass can help you as a boxer if executed properly. Consider doing a program that focuses on both strength and conditioning, so that you will not sacrifice speed for size. 

            What are Other Things You Can Do to Help Build Muscle for Boxing?

              EAT: About 80% of an athletic physique across all sports and other forms of physical activity is built in the kitchen. If you want to be in tip top shape to train as a boxer (and for other sports too) you have to eat. A lot. Make sure you eat the right amount of macronutrients (calories, fat, carbs, and protein) all throughout the week.

              If you’re eating things like pizza and ice cream all week and you’re training, you’re going to be the worst-looking guy in the gym. However, if you’re eating right but not training, you’re going to be the best-looking fat guy since all the nutrients you took in will only be stored as unwanted fat. So you have to eat right and train like a beast together, or it won’t work. Save the fun food like burgers and pizza for your cheat day, when you can recover and regroup for the next week. 

              SLEEP: It is super important that you get enough sleep per day, because that is the time when your muscles are hard at work repairing themselves and getting stronger. I would recommend that you get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep each night to help your muscles grow as strong as possible.

              If you don’t get enough sleep, your muscles will basically have to play catch-up with your body in order to repair themselves. So using these 3 aspects altogether is what is going to help you get in the best shape of your life for your life as a boxer. Eat, sleep, train, repeat!

              Closing Words

              So can boxing build muscle? Yes, it most certainly can. It all depends on what your goals are and why you chose boxing to add to your lifestyle. Got any experiences you’d like to share? Drop them in the comments below! I’d love to hear from you! LET’S GO INTO BATTLE!

              Slaughter Fit Warrior

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