Amateur Boxing vs Professional Boxing – Are they the Same or Different?

Amateur boxingBoxing matchThere are two different types of boxing; Professional boxing and Amateur boxing. Today we’re going to cover the following criteria about each one:


While professional and amateur boxing are similar, they do contradict in many ways. Boxers’ experience in the sport, the rules, and the objectives are only a few of the aspects that differentiate the two.

Amateur Boxing and Professional Boxing: What are They?

Professional boxing and Amateur boxing are both combat sports that utilize punching as scoring. There is a high level of grit, heart, and spirit that is put into the sport for the athletes to have successful careers.

Professional boxers compete for money while Amateur boxers compete for winning fights. The type of gear between the two types of boxing is different. The way the rounds are set up is different (the length of the rounds, and the number of rounds)

What do Pro Boxing and Amateur Boxing Have in Common?

Here are some of the things that both Pro and Amateur boxing have in common:

  • You have to punch your opponent to score.
  • You get multiple rounds in a fight.
  • Dodging, weaving, and self-defense tactics are also vital (so you can avoid getting punched)
  • You don’t necessarily have to KO your opponent.
  • Always have your eyes locked on your target, with your hands up for protection of your chest and face.
  • Training in preparation for a fight can be extremely rigorous, thus requiring a work ethic that is out of this world.
  • It is a mental game most of the time.

What Makes Pro Boxing and Amateur Boxing Different from One Another?

According to the World Boxing News blog, The Differences between Professional and Amateur boxing

  • Professional boxing has as many as 12 rounds, each round is about 3 minutes in length.
  • Amateur boxing has 3 3-minute rounds for men and 4 2-minute rounds for women.
  • Amateur boxing gloves are larger and have white knuckles. The white knuckles are there so the judges can keep track of the scores.
  • Professional boxers do not wear headgear or a tank top.
  • In Amateur boxing, one boxer wears blue and the other wears red. The boxer wearing red is the more experienced fighter.
  • Weight classes between the two types of boxing are arranged differently.
  • Professional boxers consist of only men, whereas Amateur boxers consist of men, women, and children.
  • In Professional boxing, boxers make more money by KO’ing their opponent and winning fights. Whereas in Amateur boxing, the aim of the game is to score more points than your opponent.
  • The size of the ring between the two types of boxing is different. In Professional boxing, the ring size varies. Whereas in Amateur boxing, the ring is between 16ft x 16ft and 20ft x 20ft.

Which Type of Boxing Should You Try?

It really depends on what you want to do. If you’re after the big bucks and fame and glory, then professional boxing could be up your alley. However, if you’re looking more towards increasing your rank and winning a medal, Amateur boxing may be for you. Just be prepared for the dangers that also come with each one, which I will talk a little more about below.

More Things to Know

Whichever path you choose to take in your future boxing career, be prepared for intensity like never before. Be prepared to be sore to where you probably can’t move, sweat like you’ve never sweated before, and find that inner strength you never knew you had.

They say anyone can be a boxer. I say they’re right to an extant. Skill and fitness are all well and good. But the thing that can separate a noob from a champion is attitude and commitment. If getting in the squared circle is what you want to do, you will have to work harder than you could ever imagine. Success ain’t gonna earn itself, Jack. You have to put in the work.

Closing Words

I don’t know every single thing there is to know about boxing. I’m a beginner who has a passion for it and is always open to learning new things. But I have watched plenty of boxing to know some of the basics and what’s what. If you know of any more comparisons and contrasts between Amateur and Professional boxing, drop them down below! And let me know which ones you think is better suited for you! Let’s share and build our community together! Happy training!

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